The emergency department at Russells Hall Hospital was closed last night after a man reportedly claimed to be in possession of the chemical which has been used in terrorist attacks including in the USA in 2001.
Ambulances were diverted to nearby hospitals including New Cross, Walsall and Sandwell whilst around eight police cars descended on the hospital. An ambulance service spokesperson said:
"We were alerted to a temporary closure of the A&E Department at Russells Hall Hospital last night. The Trust deployed two paramedic officers to the scene to assist hospital staff.
"We implemented standard procedures to divert ambulances to New Cross, Walsall and Sandwell Hospitals and in the end, only five patients had to be diverted and the A&E Department reopened at 8.15pm."
Several patients went on social media to say they had been told it was "an anthrax scare" although further details have yet to be confirmed by West Midlands Police.
Police officers remained on the scene for several hours after A&E reopened.
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