Real ale drinkers will be descending on Stourbridge this week for the town’s annual beer festival, hosted by the Campaign for Real Ale.
Now in its 20th year, the annual festival – taking place at Stourbridge Town Hall – is open to the public between 7pm and 11pm on Thursday 11th May, 12pm and 11pm on Friday 12th May and 12pm and 9pm on Saturday 13th May. It will feature more than 100 real ales, ciders and craft beers for the public to enjoy.
As well as the drink, there will be a selection of hot and cold food, CAMRA merchandise and group membership deals for people to buy. Tim Cadwell, vice chairman of Stourbridge and Halesowen CAMRA, said:
“Stourbridge and Halesowen CAMRA is alive and kicking. Our neighbours over at Dudley and South Staffs CAMRA initially cancelled their 'Dudley Winter Ales Fayre' due to a lack of people available help organise it, but luckily, many people eventually rallied around to make the event a success.
“There was never any question of our event being cancelled due to the level of support our branch enjoys. CAMRA beer festivals are volunteer-led events, and we all do it in our spare time to promote the availability of real-ale locally.”
The express entry of £10 includes the admission charge, a souvenir glass and beer tokens. A glass charge is refundable if people return their glasses undamaged, while unused values on tokens can be refunded, or donated to charity.
Festival organisers are also running a designated driver scheme again this year. The nominated driver in a group will get a discount on admission and two free soft drinks. For more information visit stourbridgebeerfest.org.uk.
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