A phased increase of new parking tariffs will start from 1 October 2023 with the second phase beginning on 1 January 2024.
Income generated from off-street and on-street car parking charges is used to provide and maintain car parks, provide new parking restrictions such as residents’ parking schemes, tackle school gate parking, provide related highway services and highway improvements.
The changes mean Sandwell Council will be able to continue delivering its parking, traffic and highway services as well as supporting other council policy objectives, such as improving air quality, tackling climate change and supporting local businesses. Councillor Danny Millard, Sandwell’s cabinet member for environment and highways, said:
“Parking charges have not increased since 2016, but the cost of maintaining our car parks has gone up over this period, particularly in the last few years.
“Like all local authorities, we face significant financial pressures and need to use our limited resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. These changes will bring our parking charges up to date and ensure we can continue to meet the cost of providing quality car parks and related services.
“We are trying to balance the available parking with demand and support our wider ambitions to improve air quality, tackle climate change and support local businesses.”
Changes have been made to the proposals following a four-week public consultation held in August and September 2022, and were confirmed earlier this year. The changes include:
- a new low cost 30 minute charge for short stay parking to help businesses with passing trade
- free parking on Sundays, overnight between the hours of 6pm and 8am, for Blue Badge holders, and every Saturday for season ticket holders (not Sandwell Valley)
- responding to changes in working patterns following the pandemic by offering discounted season tickets for parking on nominated days, offering greater flexibility and choice for hybrid and part-time workers
- off-street car parking charges be reset • short stay on-street parking charges remain unchanged
- free parking all Saturdays in December - previously, the two Saturdays before Christmas, (not including Sandwell Valley)
- 50% discount for zero emission vehicles • charges will be reviewed in 2025, not 2027 as originally proposed.
Parking charges have been benchmarked and compared with other neighbouring Black Country authorities. The move also supports other council objectives such as boosting active travel - walking and cycling for short journeys, and encouraging more sustainable and alternative travel options including public transport, car sharing, walking and cycling.
Details of the new charges will be on all signage in council-run car parks from Sunday 1 October to reflect these changes.
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