A multi-million-pound conversion of a former care home into new affordable council homes is now complete.
Dudley Council has invested more than £2 million to create 18 one and two bedroom homes within the existing shell of New Swinford Hall in Stourbridge.
All 18 properties have been allocated to people on the council’s waiting list.
The exterior of the building, which used to provide stepdown accommodation for people leaving hospital, has been given a modern makeover.
The refurbishment also includes solar panels to provide electricity for the building’s communal areas and two electric vehicle charging points for tenants to use.
The development work has been carried out by MORRO, formerly known as Jessup Partnership, on behalf of the council. Councillor Laura Taylor Childs, cabinet member for housing, said:
“As a council we need to maximise every opportunity we have to provide new council homes, this includes using buildings such as New Swinford Hall that no longer serve their purpose.
“This redevelopment has breathed new life into this building and will provide 18 much needed homes, designed to modern standards and delivered to a very high standard.
“I hope the people moving in will be happy in their new homes.”
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