Dudley Council has produced a guide to help residents who have problems with condensation in their homes.
Anyone experiencing a problem with condensation can download an advice leaflet and view an innovative video on the Dudley Council website. These tools, produced for Dudley Council housing tenants, provides information about how to deal with the issue of condensation which can cause problems in the home.
Condensation is caused when warm moist air comes into contact with cold air or cold surface, for instance a window or wall and causes water droplets to form. Due to cold weather this is particularly an issue during winter when homes are warmer than outside. These items give hints and tips about how to provide the issue, as well as facts and figures. Councillor Gaye Partridge, cabinet member for housing, said:
“Condensation and mould can be a particular problem during the winter months so we produced a leaflet and an video which work hand in hand. These items have been produced primarily with council tenants in mind, but are relevant to anyone experiencing condensation in their home.
“It is easy to tackle condensation by just following the hints put forward in this, including keeping vents clear, heating the property sufficiently, drying clothes outside and reducing the amount of steam created by daily routines. By following this advice you may even be able to save money on your fuel bills.”
Signs of condensation include water droplets on windows and mirrors, as well as mould growth on walls, corners of rooms, behind furniture or cupboards where air does not circulate.
Tenants who are concerned that issues with damp are not due to condensation should ring the Repairs Management Centre on 0300 555 8283.
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