Sandwell Council's cabinet has backed plans for 26 new council homes to be built on disused land in Smethwick.
Housing bosses are proposing the scheme for Lowry Close and Church Hill Street.
To make way for new council homes, they plan to demolish an outdated, empty two-storey building in Lowry Close and also use vacant land off Church Hill Street. The two-storey building is no longer suitable for accommodation.
The council will seek grant funding from Homes England, through its shared ownership and affordable homes programme, to help develop the scheme. The council's cabinet approved the proposal at its meeting on 16 May. Councillor Kerrie Carmichael, Sandwell Council's cabinet member for housing, said:
"One of our key priorities is to redevelop areas of vacant land for much-needed housing. This proposed development, on land that the council already owns, would bring another boost to our housing stock with 26 high-quality, affordable homes in Smethwick to benefit local people."
The development would be made up of two and three-bedroom homes. Subject to funding being identified, planning approval and a developer being appointed, work could start in June 2019 with a estimated completion date set for May 2020.
Once completed, the homes would join the council's housing stock and will be managed and maintained by the council.
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