Tenants who want to move can now sign up to a free online home swap scheme and search from thousands of properties up and down the country.
Dudley Council recently joined the national HomeSwapper scheme, the UK’s largest online mutual exchange service for social housing tenants.
It means Dudley’s tenants, who want to move and remain in social rented accommodation, can now register free and search for a potential new home within the borough or further afield. There are currently 500,000 tenants already registered on the scheme nationwide. Councillor Laura Taylor, cabinet member for housing, said:
“We’ve signed up to Homeswapper to give our tenants access to a huge choice of homes so hopefully they find a home to match their needs – whether that’s within the borough’s boundaries or beyond.
“Tenants can still bid for homes that we have available, in the usual way, via Dudley at Home but we know that more often than not choosing to swap homes can provide a much easier and quicker alternative.”
Last year 58 Dudley tenants chose to swap their home, seven relocated outside of the borough. Tenants can register free, online, at homeswapper.co.uk.
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