Dudley Council is providing care homes and supported living providers with electronic devices to keep residents in contact with loved ones during the pandemic.
The team has distributed 45 electronic tablet devices to date and they are currently contacting further providers to see if they could also benefit from the support.
The devices are designed to help keep vulnerable people in contact with their friends and family through Skype, as many centres are currently closed to visitors. It is also enabling health and social care professionals to contact individuals at the care homes and make arrangements for ongoing care needs. Councillor Nicolas Barlow, cabinet member for health and adult social care, said:
"It has never been more important for people to keep in contact and I’m delighted that these devices are enabling some of our most vulnerable to speak to their loved ones.
"I would like to thank the council officers behind this scheme and most importantly the carers who continue to look after people with such dignity, care and respect."
Devices are being funded through the council’s integrated commissioning budget and the care homes will be able to keep the devices after the crisis. Nischa Pritchard, manager at Norton Lodge Care Home in Stourbridge, said:
“We were delighted to hear that Dudley Council was providing care homes with electronic devices to enable service users to keep in contact with their loved ones during this pandemic.
"I would like to thank the council for our device, which is proving to be very useful for day-to-day communication as we have set up our own Facebook page, where we upload pictures of activities and special occasions such as birthday celebrations.
"Families of our residents have said they are grateful to be able to keep in contact on a daily basis, including video calls for a regular chat. It helps them to feel confident that their loved ones are all well and happy in these uncertain times.”
People can find out more about the scheme by calling the integrated commissioning team at Dudley Council on 01384 814907, or by emailing cicommissioning@dudley.gov.uk.
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