Council meetings are to be held online at Dudley Council from next week after regulations introduced by the government allow local authorities to hold meetings by remote or virtual methods.
From next week, meetings, including full council, cabinet, development control, and licensing and scrutiny committees are taking place online via Microsoft Teams. Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of Dudley Council, said:
"Over recent weeks a lot of work has been going on behind the scenes to ensure proper democratic oversight and scrutiny of decisions, which is absolutely necessary.
"We have been testing processes to hold virtual meetings and after successful trials these are now going to take place from next week. I am pleased these new arrangements are in place and we welcome residents to join us and follow our programme of meetings online.”
The first virtual meeting to take place is development control on May 26th. Details of meetings are available online on the committee management information system.
A link to join the online meeting will be included on the agenda for each meeting. Agendas go live at least five clear working days before each meeting.
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