Deputy Mayor visits climate change exhibition

The Deputy Mayor of Dudley Council will be visiting St Thomas’s Church Stourbridge next week to view an exhibition about climate change.

Thirteen local groups will be exhibiting their responses to the Challenge of Climate Change ranging from Stourbridge Fairtrade to the RSPB, from the Rotary Club to Friends of the Earth.

It’s part of the church’s weeklong climate festival running from 9 – 17 October. Admission is free and entry is from 10am to 4pm every day.

The church is also decorated to represent a journey from a damaged planet to a flourishing one, the decorations include two large globes suspended over the nave. Councillor Sue Greenaway, Deputy Mayor of Dudley Council, said: 

“I’m looking forward to the exhibition which very much focuses on what we can do at a local level to help tackle this global issue.

“I’m grateful for the invitation and look forward to learning about how local groups are taking up the challenge.”

Virginia Williams from St Thomas’s Church, added: “We’re looking forward to welcoming the deputy mayor to the exhibition and are keen to welcome anybody who is interested in tackling climate change to our walk through exhibition.

“Local groups are already very active in the work that they do, whether that’s planting vegetables, litter picking, campaigning or sharing skills, resources and knowledge to empower people to make a difference in their daily lives.

“Every small action adds up and together we truly can make a difference.”

The festival will be followed by a short exhibition on 6 and 7 November from local school children focussing on how to avoid disastrous climate change.


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