Dudley Council has launched a new web page, to help people in Dudley borough understand how the council is reducing its carbon footprint.
The page is part of the council’s 'Dudley Climate Action' campaign and offers useful information about how the council is undertaking green initiatives such as changing streetlights to LEDs and making it easier to walk and cycle in Dudley borough.
It also includes details of the council’s vision for the future, with its aspiration to be a net zero authority by 2030. Councillor Dr Rob Clinton, cabinet member for climate change said:
"Dudley Council is committed to playing its part in the journey towards a net zero future and we are pleased to have this new page up and running on our website to help people learn more.
"The devastating consequences of climate change can be seen globally from the heatwaves experienced here in Dudley to the devastating wildfires across the world this summer. The urgent need to take action on climate change is prevalent like never before.
"We have duty as caretakers of this planet to help tackle this man-made challenge and to put actions in place to help safeguard the residents, businesses and the environment of Dudley borough from climate change.
"However, the scale of this challenge cannot be underestimated. As such, Dudley Council has set itself a challenging target to become net zero by 2030 and to work with partners in the borough to become net zero by 2041.
"To become a net zero council by 2030, we will be developing a comprehensive action plan, encompassing operations and activities across the authority on mitigating and adapting to climate change."
People can find the page by visiting dudley.gov.uk/climate.
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