A major new strategy to tackle loneliness, poverty and obesity in people across Dudley borough looks set to be given the green light.
Dudley Council’s cabinet is being asked to approve a new draft health and wellbeing strategy for the borough.
It comes on the back of national figures which show Dudley is higher than the national average for the number of people experiencing loneliness, unemployment and poverty – which are all contributing factors to poor health.
Figures show 42 per cent of older people say they sometimes feel lonely compared to the 34 per cent national average. A total 23 per cent of people aged under 20 live in poverty, compared to the national average of 20 per cent. Ten in every 1,000 people in Dudley borough claim job seekers allowance compared to four in every 1,000 across the country.
The new strategy aims to do more around promoting a healthier weight, reducing loneliness and isolation and reducing the impact of poverty.
It also aims to build on the strengths Dudley has to offer including lots of green open spaces, active social clubs and thriving volunteer groups to encourage people to lead happier, healthier lives. Councillor Peter Miller, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said:
“We have a responsibility to support people to lead healthier lives and this new strategy spells out how we can do that. It focuses on what we as a council can do, what people can do for themselves and how we can work together to lead happier and healthier lives.”
The new strategy will be discussed by the council’s cabinet on today (September 13th).
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