More people are getting vaccinated against coronavirus in Dudley borough than anywhere else in the Black Country, figures reveal.
Dudley topped the table for first, second and third jabs according to the latest figures. A total 85 per cent of people living in the borough have had their first vaccine with 79 per cent getting their second dose. A total 62 per cent of people have had a third jab.
Health bosses in Dudley are asking people to be “sensible” as the country emerges from the pandemic. Senior council leaders have praised the people who have been vaccinated as central to the fight against the pandemic. Councillor Nicolas Barlow, cabinet member for health and adult social care, said:
"We have said all along that getting vaccinated is our best route out of this pandemic and at last we are seeing the benefit of getting three jabs. But while we are seeing light at the end of a very long tunnel, it is worth reminding people that rates are still high, and we must continue to be sensible.
"Part of that is making sure that we are all fully vaccinated and everyone is encouraged to get a vaccine even if they haven’t yet done so."
The government is no longer asking people to work from home if they can and contact tracing has officially ended. People should now talk to their employers to agree arrangements to return to the workplace.
There is also no longer a legal requirement to wear a face covering, but the government suggests people continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces. There is also advice about making sure buildings are ventilated by opening windows. People who are unwell are also advised to stay at home.
Fourth doses of the vaccine are also available for those aged over 75 or are at high risk. People can find out more by visiting the council’s website at dudley.gov.uk.
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