Extra funding to prevent homelessness

Dudley Council has received extra funding to boost its work to prevent homelessness across the borough.

The authority has been awarded nearly £44,000 from the West Midlands Combined Authority Rough Sleepers Initiative to continue its work in this vital area.

The council expects there to be an increased demand on homelessness services once the coronavirus lockdown comes to an end due to the increased strain on household and relationships.

It will use the additional funding to respond to these increased pressures and demand.

It could include supporting people who are sofa surfing or living in temporary or unstable arrangements that could easily and quickly breakdown and result in homelessness or rough sleeping.

The money will also support the work of the council’s homelessness team, which already responds to all reports of rough sleeping and provides advice and support to people at risk of losing their home or who have suddenly become homeless. Councillor Laura Taylor, cabinet member for housing, communities and residents’ welfare, said:

“At the moment, we don’t know what the full impact of coronavirus will be and how many people will be at risk of losing their home as a result.

“It’s a really tough time for many and this is why we must do everything we can to help people and I therefore welcome this additional funding to boost this really important area of work.

“One of the specific ways we’re going to be able to help people is providing rent guarantees and deposits in some cases to help people secure accommodation in the private sector. This will help to offer a wide range of housing options.”

The rough sleepers helpline is 0300 555 0030. Reports can also be made to Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345. 


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