Green-fingered Dudley residents are reminded that an additional green waste bin is available for a small fee.
Dudley Council’s green waste collection service provides borough households with one green bin and fortnightly collections from early spring through to late autumn.
The service can also provide an additional green bin and a full season of fortnightly collections at a cost of £105.61. This is ideal for people with large gardens.
Anyone who would like to sign up now (from July 1) will only pay £68.36 for the additional bin and collections for the remainder of the season. Anyone who already has an extra green bin can pay just £37.27 from July 1. Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for public realm, said:
"Our green waste collection service is popular with residents and I’m pleased we’re able to increase the service and offer an additional bin and collections at a small cost.
"This is certainly ideal for people with large gardens and those who enjoy tending to their garden regularly particularly as we move through the summer and into the autumn.
"Please remember only items including grass cuttings, hedge clippings, weeds, leaves and small branches can be placed in the green bin. People should not place items such as animal waste, plastic, soil, stones, large branches or any household waste in the green bin."
For more information or to order an extra bin, you can visit, where you can find out when your next scheduled collections are too.
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