Dudley borough residents in greater need of support could benefit from extra financial help as part of the government’s energy rebate scheme.
As well as the national £150 energy rebate to help all households in properties within council tax bands A-D, Dudley Council also has a discretionary fund. There are three schemes within the fund.
Scheme one is a payment of £180 to any household in council tax band E-H in receipt of Council Tax Reduction. Eligible residents have been written to advising them how to access this payment.
Scheme two is a payment of £30 to any household in council tax band A-D in receipt of Council Tax Reduction. Those who are entitled to this will receive it automatically.
Scheme three is for residents to apply for who need help if:
- they do not pay council tax, but their energy costs are included in the rent they pay, or they are the liable person on the bill for energy costs, for example, tenants in houses of multi-occupancy or in student accommodation or
- they have excessive energy costs due to a disability or
- they have excessive energy costs for another reason.
To apply for scheme three, earnings need to be below £30,000 and savings below £6,000. Online applications for the discretionary fund remain open until September 30 2022 and residents are advised to apply for it as soon as possible.
Applications for the original £150 energy bill rebate for properties in bands A-D have now closed with more than 110,000 households receiving this payment to date.
Where payments have not been possible because the council doesn’t have bank details, or residents haven’t yet applied, revised council tax bills containing a £150 credit will be issued to those eligible households shortly. Councillor Steve Clark, cabinet member for finance, said:
"I’m delighted more than 110,000 households have received their £150 rebate from the original scheme.
"For those who haven’t yet applied or we don’t yet have your bank details, please don’t worry as although this element of the scheme is now closed, the £150 will be credited to your council tax account and you will be issued a revised council tax bill.
"Our discretionary fund, however, which is designed to provide extra support to those who need it most, is still open to applications. I would urge anyone who feels they need some extra help and meets the criteria of scheme three of the discretionary fund to apply as soon as possible ahead of the closing date for applications at the end of September."
To apply, or for further information about the discretionary scheme, visit dudley.gov.uk.
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