Fly-tippers caught on camera are to be shamed

Fly-tippers were issued a stark warning that they will be “shamed” across the internet as part of a dedicated CCTV hub showing the faces of offenders caught on camera.

Dudley Council’s You’ve Been Shamed CCTV wall was unveiled today by council bosses in the latest fight against the fly-tippers.

The council has become the first in the West Midlands to share stills from its CCTV network online including the faces of offenders. It aims to not only shame people into not dumping rubbish illegally, but also to encourage residents to help prosecute offenders.

More than £1.7 million was recently invested in upgrading the camera network in the borough including ‘deployable’ cameras to target specific hotspots.

The new cameras are capable of capturing detailed images over hundreds of metres. The stills from the cameras are available on a dedicated web page and are also being shared across social media. Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, cabinet member responsible for CCTV, said:

"The new CCTV network means there really is nowhere to hide for these criminals. The You’ve Been Shamed wall will hopefully not only shame people into not dumping rubbish in the first place but also help us prosecute offenders through the courts.

"The detail in the images, as people can see, is phenomenal which will make it a lot easier to prosecute people."

People can share information on fly-tipping with the council anonymously via the webpage, which sits on the council’s website. They can also call Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345 or report issues via the Dudley Council smartphone app.

The You’ve Been Shamed CCTV wall can be found at


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