Sandwell’s regeneration boss has welcomed the news that two longstanding empty and derelict properties on West Bromwich High Street are being demolished.
Commercial property investors, Steam Rock Capital, new owners of the properties in Princess Parade, - site of the former Spencer’s Market -
are knocking down them down. Councillor Paul Moore, cabinet member for regeneration and economic investment, said:
“These two properties had been left vacant for a number of years by the previous owners and had fallen into a state of disrepair blighting this part of the High Street.
“I’m pleased that the new owners Steam Rock Capital have taken the decision to demolish buildings. We look forward to working with them to draw up future development options for the site which will contribute towards the comprehensive regeneration of this area of the town centre.”
Sam Enright, asset manager for Steam Rock Capital, added: "The Market Buildings have been derelict for several years, creating a void on that part of the High Street.
"Our decision to demolish these buildings has been sparked by the opportunity to create a cleared development site so we can regenerate this part of the town."
Demolition work is now underway and is expected to be completed by the end of December.
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