Children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Dudley borough are set to benefit from an improved website.
Dudley’s Local Offer website has been re-developed by Dudley Council and its partners to make it easier for parents and carers to access information and support services in the borough.
The new and improved site is easy to use and provides a one-stop resource of information on the services available to children and young up to the age of 25 who have SEND.
Largely designed for the use of parents, carers and families, it offers information on education, health and social care, training and employment, leisure and support in preparing for adulthood.
It also provides help for families supporting children and young people with the most complex of needs and those with an Education Health and Care Plan. Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children and young people said:
"Dudley’s newly developed Local Offer allows parents, carers and young people with SEND to access information and support more easily in the borough.
"We are committed to ensuring that children and young people with SEND in Dudley borough have access to the best possible range of services, support, and opportunities to enable them to realise their fullest potential.
"Dudley’s Local Offer is now part of the recently developed online Dudley Community Information Directory, which offers local people information on groups, support, activities, health and care services, and more."
The launch of the new site followed a period of consultation with young people, parents, carers, families and professionals. Dudley’s Local Offer will continue to be reviewed to make sure it’s meeting people’s needs.
Parents carers, young people and professionals who would like to get involved can email local.offer@dudley.gov.uk. To view Dudley’s Local Offer, you can visit localoffer.dudley.gov.uk.
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