Improvements made - but further work required

A recent inspection by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission has highlighted improvements in Dudley’s local SEND services but has said that inconsistent experiences and outcomes remain for some children.

The local area partnership, comprising council, health, and local school services, must work together to make further improvements.  

Between January 20 and January 24 inspectors visited Dudley to assess its children’s and health services and what progress had been made within SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities) services since its last visit in 2022.  

In the most recent visit, inspectors recognised that there is a strong, shared culture and ambition for children and young people with SEND across the borough. Leaders and officers who are responsible for developing strategies to increase the variety of SEND placements available were said to be highly regarded and that they knew where the remaining gaps were and how these could be addressed. 

Inspectors found that practitioners from different services work well together, sharing information effectively, resulting in an efficient multi-disciplinary approach to providing services. The partnership work with the Dudley Parent Carer Forum (PCF) is strong, driving improvement through accurate, up-to-date parental feedback and constructive challenge. 

There was acknowledgement of the system that identifies children or young people with SEND at risk of admission to mental health inpatient services, providing comprehensive key working support and smooth transitions between children’s and adults’ services. Also acknowledged is the Inclusive Pathways Service who are working effectively to support children at risk of exclusion and the support for children in care with SEND was also noted. 

Inspectors recognised that most children and young people who need speech and language therapy, physiotherapy or occupational therapy receive effective help when they need it and there is effective support from designated practitioners in health, education and social care for those children and young people who are not in employment, education or training. 

However, inspectors found that more needs to be done to make progress. They have identified some areas for improvement including reducing waiting times access to mental health, neurodevelopmental diagnosis and access to wheelchair services. They also stated that partnership should improve the quality and oversight of the Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP) as well as ensuring that they reflect up to date views from children, young people and their families.  

Whilst inspectors found that the SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) supports a high number of parents , children and young people, they are now keen to see the local area working at pace to communicate and continually improve the Dudley SEND Local Offer, an online resource and statutory requirement, which has recently been re-launched on the council’s website  

Councillor David Stanley, cabinet Member for children’s services, said:  

“While the report highlights areas needing improvement, it also demonstrates the progress we’ve made and our collaborative efforts to enhance outcomes for children and young people with SEND.  

"We remain committed to our journey of improvement and are determined to achieve significant progress in all areas in the coming months.” 

Claire Powers, co-chair of the Dudley Parent Carer Forum said: 

“As a forum, we welcome the recognition of all the hard work we and our local area partners have carried out towards driving improvements and shifting culture towards coproduction in Dudley. 

"Equally, we are glad that the inconsistency of experience of our children, young people and families is recognised as we hear this every time we speak with parent carers in Dudley. We are pleased to see PCF’s contribution to the Local Area Partnership recognised in the report. “ 

Neil Bucktin, Dudley Managing Director, Black Country Integrated Care Board said: “This is a pleasing outcome for all local partners who have worked hard to improve services and outcomes for children, young people, families and carers in Dudley.

"The report provides a clear analysis of how we can continue to improve our performance and gives us the encouragement to build on the progress already made to the benefit of all."

CQC and Ofsted’s findings can be found on the Ofsted reports website.

The next full area SEND inspection will be within approximately three years.


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