There are just three weeks left for Dudley borough residents to have their say on the borough’s existing council tax reduction scheme for low income households.
In April 2013, the coalition government abolished the national council tax benefit scheme and replaced it with new local council tax reduction schemes designed and run by individual local councils.
Dudley has continued to run a council tax reduction (CTR) scheme whereby low income households can receive a means tested reduction in their council tax bill. Low-income pensioners will continue to receive this benefit regardless of any proposed changes.
Dudley Council currently grants around £19million in council tax reduction, while still collecting around £120million in council tax. However, like many councils, Dudley continues to face ongoing reductions in its central government funding and therefore needs to decide whether or not to change its council tax reduction scheme in 2017.
The current scheme means that all working age Dudley households, eligible to receive CTR, have to pay at least 20% of the full council tax liability for their property. There are three proposals for the 2017/18 version of the scheme which people are being consulted on. These are to leave the scheme as it is at 20%; to increase the amount of council tax people payto 22%; to increase the amount of council tax they pay to 25%.
Councillor David Sparks, Dudley Council’s cabinet member for finance and legal services, said:
“Dudley, like many councils has been hit hard by central government cuts and whilst we have done all that we can to protect those on lower incomes, we are investigating whether a small council tax contribution by households that are currently protected is feasible or whether we should retain the status quo.
“As a community council we want to take into account our residents' views before reaching a decision.”
Following the consultation a final decision on the proposals is expected to be taken by full council in October.
An online version is available and paper copies are available from libraries and Dudley Council Plus.
Note to editors:
1 Council tax reduction is means tested and is paid to some low income households to help them meet their council tax liability. The amount paid varies on income levels
2 Low income pensioners are a protected group unaffected by this consultation and are eligible for a reduction of up to 100% in their council tax depending on their income
3 Single person discounts of 25% for all single person households will continue to apply
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