People are being encouraged to join a monthly walk around Pensnett set up by volunteers to make new friends and keep fit.
Dudley Council bosses have given their backing to the group set up by Linda Beech, which meets at 12 noon on the first Monday of every month at the warden’s office next to the Dell Stadium in Bryce Road.
Walks are normally around five miles and are suitable for all levels of fitness. There is no charge to take part. Linda set up the group in July last year and said it was going from strength to strength. She said:
"I set up the Facebook group Pensnett, Brierley Hill and Blackcountry Now and Then a couple of years ago, and we’ve now got nearly 11,000 members.
"I advertised the walks through there and the response has been great. It’s a chance to keep fit and meet new people, and we would welcome anyone who would like to join us.”
Councillor Cathy Bayton, cabinet member for health and adult social care, added:
"It’s been great to meet Linda and some of the members of the walking group. Keeping fit and doing exercise is always easier and more fun when you’re in a group, and they are such a friendly lot I think anyone who comes along is guaranteed a warm welcome.
"As a council we really want to encourage groups like this and make people aware that they are there as a great way to combat loneliness. With the festive period just gone, if you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to get fit and active then why not come along and give it a try.”
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