New car park is just the ticket for traders and shoppers

Businesses in Pensnett are in line for a boost after work started on a new car park for shoppers.

Work has now been completed on the £6.3million road improvements along the High Street and Dudley Council has started work on the car park in Bradley Street which will provide 16 spaces.

The new signals aim to ease traffic through the site and along with the car park, will be a boost to trade in the area. Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for environmental services, said:

"This whole project has been about making life better for the residents, traders, shoppers and commuters along the High Street. The new signals have improved traffic flow and the car park will make shopping easier and will hopefully improve trade in the area.

"I know it has been a very difficult time for the business owners during the improvement work, but I hope this new car park will be a welcome addition and be seen as a further commitment from the council to get the very best for the area."

Julie Aldis, owner of Warm Welcome fire places, added: 

"The car park is really starting to take shape and will be a big benefit to this local area when it is completed. The improvement work has been difficult at times but I really think that now we are starting to see the benefits."

Work on the new car park is expected to finish next month and will also include a height barrier to restrict access for shoppers only.


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