Online support made available for young people and their carers

Dedicated online support is available to help young people with additional needs or disabilities and their parents or carers.

Information is available on the Dudley Local Offer website, which is designed to make it quicker and easier for people to find the help they need.

Dudley Council and health partners in collaboration with the Dudley Parent Carer Forum, have recently developed a new video which highlights information and support services available. The video highlights the Dudley Local Offer website and how people can access it.

Dudley’s Local Offer has recently become part of the Dudley Community Information Directory, which offers local people information on groups, support, activities, events, health and care services, and more. Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children’s services, said:

"Dudley’s Local Offer is full of information and advice on things to support you and your child or young person, aged 0-25 with additional needs or disabilities.

"The Local Offer website is a great online resource to help people find information on health, education, social care and community support. The online resource can also help people find out about support services that are local to them."

To support the development of the Local Offer people are encouraged to explore the site and give feedback on the helpfulness of the information on the bottom of each of the page of the Local Offer, or via email.

People can find out more about the Dudley Parent Carer Forum at


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