The appeal, based at The Waterfront complex in Brierley Hill, collects Christmas gifts for families across the borough so no child feels forgotten by Santa on Christmas Day.
However bosses at the initiative say they are running low on stock of certain gifts this year and are asking for the public's help to make up the shortfall. Chief Elf, Eileen Fielding, said:
"Over the past week we have given out gifts to around 200 children, with more requests coming in daily. This sudden influx has meant that we're desperately short of 'main' presents for boys and girls aged over 7 and have children waiting for them.
"We have some smaller 'stocking filler' type gifts but like to give a main present too as, more often than not, we're providing the only present the child will get this Christmas."
If you can help, you can contact Operation Santa via our website at blackcountryradio.co.uk/operationsanta or by calling their hotline on 07860 644 468.
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