Over 17,000 jabs delivered in final push before ‘Freedom Day’

Over 17,000 COVID-19 vaccinations were delivered over the Big Walk-in Weekend, in a bid get as many people as possible vaccinated ahead of ‘Freedom Day’.

The Big Walk-in Weekend, which took place on Friday 16 July to Monday 19 July, saw over 40 locations across the Black Country and West Birmingham throw open their doors and offer walk-in vaccinations to all adults.

However, with over 100,000 people across the local area still yet to receive their first dose, and with COVID-19 restrictions now lifted, local health chiefs are urging people to continue to come forward for their lifesaving vaccine. Sally Roberts, Chief Nurse for Black Country and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group, said:

“Delivering over 17,000 jabs across one weekend is a brilliant achievement, so a big thank you to everyone who played their part. Our aim was to get as many people from across the area vaccinated ahead of Freedom Day, so they can get back to doing the things they love safely.

“Restrictions may have eased but with cases rising across the area now is not the time be complacent. The more you are mixing with other people, the higher the chance you have of contracting the virus and passing it on to others. That’s why it’s more important than ever to get your vaccine, and make sure you get the vital second dose after eight weeks.

“Getting both doses of the vaccine is the best way to be protect yourself, and others, from this life- threatening virus. This will not only reduce your chance of catching the virus, it will reduce your chance of becoming seriously unwell – or even dying - if you do catch it.

“It’s not too late to come forward and get your vaccine. So, if you haven’t had your first dose yet or your second dose is now due, please don’t delay.”

A full list of all the places you can get your COVID-19 vaccination across the Black Country and West Birmingham, including bookable and walk-in services, can be found at blackcountryandwestbirmccg.nhs.uk.


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