Two PCSOs have been handing out sandwiches and ensuring young people learn life-saving skills thanks to a summer scheme they created to help target underprivileged kids in their area.
There is a high level of food poverty in Coseley and children have limited opportunities, so PCSOs Kelly White and Emma Coffield wanted to change this and set the scheme up as a result of working in the area for some time and liaising with local primary schools.
They ran activities throughout the school holidays in Coseley’s Clayton Park and Jubilee Park, with the last session held on 24th August. From First Aid training to litter picks and outdoor games, the pair have put on a wide range of activities to keep the kids busy over the school summer break with all of the sandwiches and snacks provided free of charge by One Stop in Pensnett. PCSO White said:
“We have wanted to do something to reach out to vulnerable families for a while but Covid and lockdown has restricted this somewhat. We thought that we would use the summer holidays to provide some positive, educational activities for the children.
“We have also used this opportunity to build a more positive rapport with parents and carers. It has been a great way to be able to provide a meal for the children, thanks to One Stop, for at least for one day a week throughout the school holidays when school meals are not available.”
The scheme, which ran for six weeks saw around twenty children, aged between six and eleven turn up to each session. Plus Truffles, the police wellbeing dog, trotted down for some furry fun with the youngsters in the first week, which proved a paws-itive experience for all!
While money was allocated from the local authority’s Dudley Holiday Activities Fund, the PCSOs managed to arrange most of the sessions through charitable efforts and volunteer work, meaning most of the funding has been left untouched and can be spent on other areas of the community.
However the PCSOs did purchase gift vouchers for Humbugs Craft Café based in Sedgley, which will give each child and their parent or carer a pottery class with lunch provided. PCSO Emma Coffield added:
“The summer scheme has allowed us to strengthen our relationship with the community and for locals to build connections with the police, especially as there is a high crime level within this area of Dudley.
“The sessions gave the youngsters a chance to see the different areas of policing as well as learn useful skills, such as First Aid and stranger safety.”
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