One of West Midlands Police community support officers has been making and selling toys to buy a Christmas tree for Cradley Heath
PCSO Steph King has been a part of the area’s police team for 14 years. She’s passionate about the place and the people. She’s played a key role in Cradley Heath in Bloom and bringing people together to make good stuff happen.
But in typical Cradley Heath style, her work is a real team effort. In her time off Steph loves to knit. The dozens of dolls, elves, unicorns, bunnies and bears she makes have been donated to the craft shop in Market Square. Kat, who owns the shop and who’s the chair of the town’s In Bloom group, then sells them. The money is then used to buy plants and tools that benefit the entire town.
When Steph and the rest of the group realised that Cradley Heath wouldn’t have a Christmas tree this year, they used the money from her hand knitted toys to buy one. Volunteers got the tree, put it up and even decorated it.
If you’d like to get involved in the Cradley Heath in Bloom project, email Steph on stephanie.king@westmidlands.police.uk or pop in and speak to Kat in 'Well That’s Just Crafty'.
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