Permission for new gym in Quarry Bank granted

Friday, 24 May 2024 00:48

By Martyn Smith, Local Democracy Reporter

Dudley Council’s planners have given permission for a gym in Quarry Bank despite residents’ concerns about noise.

The Retro Flex Gym on Thorns Road is located on the site of the former Lye Hire showroom.

The gym had already opened so planners were asked to approve a retrospective change of use application. During a consultation process two neighbours raised concerns about noise from the site.

One objector claimed the gym ‘focused on music and disco atmosphere’ and they were unable to sit in their garden due to the ‘constant sound’.

On the basis of a noise impact assessment provided by the applicant, council officers concluded noise levels could be kept to an acceptable volume with the implementation of measures including sealing air gaps in the building and keeping roller shutter doors closed.

A report from council officers added: “The application form states that proposed hours of use are unknown, however, there is an indication in the noise report that the applicant is seeking a 24-hour use. 
“At present, it is considered that the current opening hours (Monday to Friday 0600-2300; Saturday/Sunday 0800-2000) are reasonable and should ensure the premises can operate without harm to nearby residential amenity. 

“This is providing the doors on the southern façade are kept closed and music levels are well managed. 24-hour use is not considered appropriate at the present time.”

Planners have also approved the construction of a new house in the garden of a property on Dudley Road, Wall Heath. The new two-storey, four-bedroom house will have its own access on Foundry Road.

Despite the new house being in garden land, where there is a presumption against such development, planners concluded in this case: ‘the application site is considered to be a sustainable location and the proposed residential development would be compatible with surrounding land uses’.


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