Pigeon poo could force rethink on market cafe plan

Monday, 20 May 2024 23:14

By Martyn Smith, Local Democracy Reporter

Pigeon poo might be among the reasons why plans for a new cafe in Dudley market have been withdrawn.

Dudley Council had put forward a planning application for a change of use in the market stalls area for a cafe and pop up street food stalls.

The application has now been withdrawn after an objector highlighted a potential problem with wild pigeons and their waste in an area where food was being prepared and consumed.

In a letter objecting to the plan, Mr S Hammond said: “Simply put the first thing to do would be clean up the bird **** before you even contemplate putting food stalls and cafes in there.”

The scheme has now been shelved, Helen Martin, Dudley director of regeneration and enterprise, said: “We are currently reviewing the application to ensure it meets our high standards for hygiene and that any roller shutters are in-keeping with council guidance. 

“The review will also look at possible ways to deter pigeons from perching on and around the market stalls.” 

The application to planners was a proposal to change some of the existing stalls to have three open sides for food service and a seating area for the public.

The plans also included a proposal to convert two existing market stalls into kitchens for pop up street food stalls. When the facilities were not in use they would be enclosed and secured by roller shutter doors.

A design and access statement from the council accompanying the proposal said: “The proposed changes to the market aren’t just focusing on creating a café, it is part of a wider regeneration strategy to help the town. 

“We believe the updated market structure will help create a central hub to serve those within the local and wider community. 

“By introducing the café will provide a business, likely to be a startup, with the opportunity to establish themselves within Dudley and create an additional draw to the location.”


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