Residents campigning to stop a developer building nine houses on part of Saltwells nature reserve are celebrating after the plnning application was refused by Dudley Council.
Developers wanted to build nine dwellings on the site of the former Saltwells House which the 10,000-strong campaign group, ‘Save Saltwells Nature Reserve’ objected to.
In a decision, made public this afternoon, Dudley Council denied the applicant - KB Extruders - the right to build on the site. The deccision was based around 8 points, including an ‘unacceptable loss of ancient woodland’, the plans being out of context with the surrounding area and a lack of detail about how local roads would be impacted by the new homes.
The project received almost 1,000 objections from local residents and those further afield, including local councillors and members of the public who use the reserve on a regular basis.
John Williams, a spokseperson for the campaign group, posted a video on social media soon after the news came through. He said:
“I just want to say a massive thank you to anyone who’s been involved. You’ve helped soread the word and now no houses will be built.
”We’re hoping to be able to let you know really soon that the next part [of the process] is successful and we can get the land returned to the people as prt of the nature reserve.”
The developer has a right of appeal on the ruling within six months of the decision date.
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