Proposals for a massive building project on a historic site in Stourbridge have been thrown out by Dudley Council’s planners.
The scheme, for 94 new homes and office buildings on the former Rolling Mills industrial site near Canal Street, was sunk after a report from council officers concluded development would be too much for the conservation area location. Officers also concluded building offices would be inappropriate in an area earmarked for housing.
In delivering the council’s decision, Dudley’s head of planning, Carl Mellor, said: “The development proposed will have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance, setting and significance of the Stourbridge Branch Canal Conservation.”
The proposal covered three sites and comprised eight residential blocks of up to four storeys in height and two, two-storey office blocks. The application also included a request for permission to demolish derelict offices which were formerly part of the Bradley Ironworks. In a statement supporting the application, Harrislamb Property Consultants said:
“The Archaeological and Heritage Statement considers the impact of the loss of the derelict Rolling Mills office building. It concludes that the loss results in a very minor degree of harm to character and appearance of the Conservation Area.
“The proposed development is considered to enhance, through its sympathetic design, the appearance and vitality of the canal corridor, and of this part of the conservation area by proxy.
“Any harm caused by the loss of the derelict Rolling Mills office is outweighed by the benefits of the development.”
However the council was not convinced, their decision notice says: “It will result in the loss of a building identified to be positive contribution in the Conservation Area, prejudice the views into and out of the Conservation Area and will negatively impact on the setting of the adjacent designated and non-designated heritage assets thereby harming their significance and as such is considered not to be sustainable development.”
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