Residents are invited to check their drinking ahead of the festive season with a new app supplied by Dudley Council.
DrinkCoach allows individuals to assess how risky their drinking is and receive personalised advice online. The website also helps residents navigate local advice and support options.
While many people enjoy alcohol responsibly, the Department of Health estimates that 83% of people drinking above the recommended guidelines do not know they are putting their health at risk.
To keep health risks from alcohol to a low level the Chief Medical Officer advises it is safest not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis. For people regularly drinking as much as 14 units per week, it's best to spread drinking evenly over three or more days.
The DrinkCoach Alcohol Test is a quick and confidential way to find out how risky an individual’s drinking is. By answering 10 simple questions, they can get tailored advice and, information on local face-to-face support options.
The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities estimates that for every increasing and higher risk drinker that receives brief advice there is a £27 cost saving to the health and social care economy.
Councillor James Clinton, cabinet member for public health, said: “While many people are able to drink sensibly, it’s very easy for those extra units to sneak up on you and push you into the danger zone.
“DrinkCoach is a really quick and simple way of assessing your drinking habits, and receiving help and guidance if you need it.”
You can find out more at which has all the tools needed to track and change drinking habits, including a free app available on iOS and Android.
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