National Tornado anti-riots teams have been dispatched to the Winson Green jail.
Rioting inmates at HMP Birmingham have taken over one wing tonight - but no injuries have been reported.
The scene of the disturbance is A Wing, which houses more than 100 prisoners. G4S runs the Category B prison, which houses more than 1,000 inmates.
National Tornado anti-riots teams have been dispatched to the Winson Green jail - the scene of violent rioting in December 2016. Sources claim the trouble began at 3.30pm. A Prison Service spokesperson said:
"We are aware of an ongoing incident involving a small number of prisoners at HMP Birmingham.
"It is confined to one wing and prison staff are working to resolve it quickly and safely. There is no risk to the public.
"It would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage."
A G4S spokesman said tonight:
"Our teams are responding to an incident on one wing at HMP Birmingham.
"We are working with colleagues from HM Prison and Probation Service to bring the incident to a safe conclusion."
It follows a 12-hour riot at the prison in December 2016 when prisoners took over four wings and caused £2million of damage.
More than 460 inmates were subsequently moved away from the jail which was built in Victorian times and holds sentenced, remand and recall inmates as well as having a sex-offender wing and prisoners on life or indeterminate sentences.
Richard Stedman, who took over as HMP Birmingham governor in April, earlier this year told the Birmingham Mail how there is still too much violence in the prison.
Mind-altering drugs such as Black Mamba, and dealer debts, fuel most of the problems, he said.