Farmers were shocked to find one of their Shetland ponies being savagely attacked by a dog at Sandwell Valley Country Park on Monday afternoon.
The pony, named Rocky, was grazing in the farm paddock, by the fair in front of Sandwell Park Farm when the attack occurred. A brave passer-by was able to stop the dog from attacking the pony further and alerted farm staff.
Councillor Maria Crompton, deputy leader for Sandwell was shocked by the incident and has warned dog owners to ensure dogs are kept on their leads around livestock. She said:
"This is absolutely devastating and poor Rocky has suffered horrific injuries. He has made it through the night and we hope he is on the mend, although it will be a long road to recovery.
"Dog owners should be responsible and ensure they keep their pets on leads when they are around farm animals. This includes the paddocks at the front of Sandwell Park Farm.
"It is completely irresponsible to let a dog off-lead around livestock and is against the law. We will not hesitate to involve the police in matters such as this."
Land in-front of Sandwell Park Farm is agricultural land and therefore covered by The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953 meaning dogs should be kept on a lead at all times in this area.
Police attended the incident but were unable to locate the owner of the dog who fled the scene.
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