A play centre in Dudley is bidding to bag a massive cash boost from a supermarket giant to help replace go-karts wrecked by vandals.
Sycamore Adventure Centre has been chosen to take part in Tesco’s Bags of Help Grant Scheme – and could net up to £4,000 if it gets the most votes from shoppers during May and June.
The centre launched an appeal for £3,000 after vandals scaled the fence last month and went on a wrecking spree, leaving most of its popular go-karts beyond repair.
So far just over £1,000 has been raised, including an undisclosed donation from TV comedian Joe Lycett, who visited the Sycamore Green site in March for Comic Relief.
Voting is already open at Tesco and Tesco Express stores in Dudley, Sedgley and Gornal. Customers cast their vote using a token given to them at the check-out in store each time they shop.
Voting closes at the end of June – and at the end of July the supermarket will announce who has bagged the most tokens. The project with the highest number will receive up to £4,000, the second placed up to £2,000 and the third up to £1,000. Keith Rogers, play centre manager, said:
“We are delighted to have been chosen by Tesco to take part in this scheme. Obviously if we can come out on top in the vote it will more than cover what we need to replace the go-karts, as well as giving us a bit more on top to further invest in improving our play facilities.
“The response from the public already since it happened has been amazing, and we hope that will continue with people casting their tokens for us. We want to continue to provide the best facility we can for young people in the borough of all backgrounds.”
A justgiving page has been set up by Nicole Bashford, one of the staff members at Sycamore, appealing for donations to help replace the go-karts. To donate, go to justgiving.com/crowdfunding/nicole-bashford.
Police have been informed of the vandalism and are investigating. Anyone with information is urged to call officers at West Midlands Police on the non-emergency 101 number.
Sycamore Adventure Centre has been open since 2010 offering free public play sessions for youngsters of all ages and backgrounds. It is also used by schools for visits, private children’s parties and for training and team building for adults.
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