Primary school children who are moving up to secondary this September are being assured they will be supported in their transition.
Dudley Council is working with schools and academies to help children in year six receive as much support and information as possible, despite Covid-19 continuing to place restrictions on what can be done.
Transition events, where pupils moving from year 6 to year 7 visit their new schools, have been cancelled for this term in line with public health advice.
Individual secondary schools and academies are now making their own arrangements for transition events to proceed in alternative ways and parents are being advised to wait for details from their child’s secondary school. Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children’s services, said:
"The decision to cancel year 6 visits to secondary schools and academies was made following discussions with the department for education and Public Health, as happened last year. The move from primary to secondary is a key time in any child’s life and we understand the anxiety parents and children can feel at this time.
"Following on from last year, where we saw both primary and secondary schools come up with some incredibly creative and innovative ways of supporting this crucial transition, we are continuing to work closely with schools and academies to ensure pupils and their families feel engaged and supported throughout.
"We in turn appreciate their support and understanding in these continually challenging and changing times and I would urge anyone with concerns to contact their school."
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