A council tenant issued with an injunction for anti-social behaviour has been hauled back before the courts – after breaching it just over a week later.
Problem tenant Stuart Johnson, of Osprey Drive, Dudley, was given an anti-social behaviour injunction last month for being an ongoing nuisance to residents on the Russells Hall estate. The order created an exclusion zone on the estate which the 43-year-old was banned from entering.
But Dudley County Court heard just 10 days after the order was granted Johnson had re-entered the exclusion zone, shouting and swearing at residents and threatening to break their windows. Police were called and Johnson was arrested. He admitted breaching the order in court and was sentenced to six weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months.
The original order came about as the result of the council’s ASB team working with local residents to address Johnson’s threatening and drunken behaviour and continual noise nuisance. Councillor Gaye Partridge, cabinet member for housing said:
"Our ASB teams work with residents to address the behaviour of the minority of tenants who behave in this aggressive, threatening way.
"We took out the injunction to protect our residents and made sure that a power of arrest was attached, which is why when Johnson breached his order we were able to take immediate action.
"We believe that aggressive and threatening behaviour is just not on, we can and we will take strong enforcement action against people who break the law.”
A power of arrest was made on the injunction and is attached to the order, and if breached allows immediate arrest by police, and subsequent presentation at court within 24 hours to answer the alleged breach.
Anyone who experiences ASB from Johnson should inform the ASB team on 01384 818344, or if the behaviour is of a threatening nature to the police via 101.
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