Private landlords and letting agents in Sandwell are being urged to sign-up for a ‘virtual’ landlords meeting taking place tomorrow.
Sandwell Council has joined forces with the National Residential Landlords Association to host the event – which offers landlords and letting agents an opportunity to find out about the latest legislation which affects them as well as council initiatives focusing on the private rental sector.
Keynote speakers will be:
- Lorraine Gumbs from the Local Energy Advice Partnership (LEAP) who will explain the latest government funding scheme available to improve residential property insulation and energy efficiency – Green Homes Grant;
- Karl Robinson from Sandwell Council will talk about the council’s new Secure and Sustain initiative which encourages private landlords to work with the council’s housing solutions team to provide quality housing to prospective tenants registered for housing with the council.
- Don Robbie, local National Residential Landlords Association will present a session on the latest legislation and news for landlords and letting agents.
Councillor Keith Allcock, Sandwell’s cabinet member for homes, said: “We’re extremely grateful to the NRLA, who have worked with us to put on this ‘virtual’ event for private landlords and letting agents in Sandwell.
“Usually, we organise an event at a venue for people to attend, but given the current government restrictions, we’re using technology to bring people together. This is an ideal opportunity for private landlords and letting agents, to get the latest news and information.
“We will also be launching a new council initiative – Secure and Sustain. We’re encouraging landlords to work with our housing solutions team and help us to provide quality housing to prospective tenants who are currently registered with us for housing.”
You can register for the virtual landlord meeting, which takes place online, tomorrow, from 4:30pm, by clicking here.
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