Sergeant Kate Tromans was involved in a lock up event at Steelhouse Lane on earlier his month to raise money for a charity very close to her heart.
Working with Alzheimer’s Research UK, Kate - during her own time - assisted with taking fingerprints and mugshots of the overnight ‘prisoners’. Dressed in vintage gear, the group took part in challenges and tasks to earn rewards and prizes.
Kate was inspired to get involved with the charity, who needed the help of a police volunteer, after a family member was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a few years ago. Her uncle, the infamous Songaminute Man, was awarded a Pride of Britain award in 2016 after raising over £130k for dementia charities.
The 83 year old, who's real name is Teddy McDermott, was originally a Butlins Redcoat and spent his early years travelling around the county singing in pubs and clubs. He was given the nickname the Songaminute Man because of the sheer number of songs in his repertoire. His family believe the singing helps Teddy whose memory has deteriorated. Sergeant Kate Tromans, who leads the Darlaston neighbourhood policing team, said:
“It was a brilliant night, we raised over £5,300 for Alzheimer’s Research UK, a wonderful charity who do some fantastic work and have supported my family since my uncle’s sad diagnosis.
“It’s a cruel and soul destroying disease, particularly for those in a caretaking role. My family live up north and do a wonderful job to support my uncle, so I was delighted to be able to help facilitate this event.
“Everyone did so well to raise their money so they could take part. It was such fun to relive a night in a Victorian cell, completely different to the experience of people who spend time in our custody now."
Jane Gill from Alzheimer’s Research UK, added: “We’re so grateful to Kate for supporting our fundraising event. Dementia affects a significant proportion of the population - one in three people over 65 in the UK will die with some form of the condition.
"Supporting fundraising efforts like this will help us to make life-changing research breakthroughs for people with dementia."
For more information about Alzheimer’s Research UK or to find out how you can support the charity visit alzheimersresearchuk.org.
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