HM Revenue and Customs is reminding the West Midlands’ 337,400 tax credits customers that they must renew their tax credits by 31 July – or their payments will stop.
Tax credits help working families with targeted financial support. A new advertising campaign launched today is reminding customers to renew their tax credits on time, as this is too important to forget.
Renewing online is quick and easy. Customers can log into to check on the progress of their renewal, be reassured it’s being processed and know when they’ll hear back from HMRC.
Customers can also use the HMRC App on their smartphone to renew their tax credits, check their tax credits payments schedule and find out how much they have earned for the year. Angela MacDonald, Director General for Customer Services at HMRC, said:
“We know that our customers lead busy lives, which is why our online services are available day and night. Customers can complete their tax credit renewals at a time convenient to them. Renewing on time is vital to ensure that their payments don’t stop.”
Here is a breakdown of the number of children and families in each local authority in the West Midlands in receipt of Child or Working Tax Credits:
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