Dudley Zoo are appealing for your help to renew their stock of primate play things!
Stocks of unwanted bed linen and towels, which keepers use to provide enrichment for the attractions chimpanzee’s and Bornean orangutans, are running low and staff are appealing for help from visitors to help replenish them. Assistant Curator, Jay Haywood, said:
“Our great apes love playing with sheets! They use them to wrap themselves up in, they drape them over their heads, or make hammocks out of them and even take them to bed as extra comfy nesting material.
“But after being dragged around their enclosure and dens, the sheets only really withstand a day’s play and then we have to throw them away, so we’re constantly going through supplies.”
Any donations of clean sheets, towels or duvet covers (but no duvets) can be handed to the Customer Services team in the Safari Shop.
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