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The Rest Is Entertainment

The Death Of Click-Bait

47 minutes | Tuesday, 29 October 2024

It's Halloween so Richard and Marina explore horror and why it is the most bankable genre at the box office and is continuing to thrive.

Reach is a huge media company you might not be familiar with, but you will see their content as they own over 240 local media titles. With that comes the need for a lot of content. Does their reach mean even worse news for local journalism?

Finally we need to mention the C-word... Christmas. Hallmark has announced a raft of new Christmas movies including a tie in with The Kansas City Chiefs.... aka the NFL team Taylor Swift's boyfriend plays for. Richard and Marina explain why this is another example of companies being clever with their content, and why Hallmark are so good at Christmas.

*** The iconic Royal Albert Hall plays host to the first The Rest Is Entertainment Live on Wednesday 4th December! Get your tickets here. Expect Christmas treats, a live Q&A and more surprises ***

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Producer: Neil Fearn + Joey McCarthy
Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport

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The Death Of Click-Bait
The Rest Is Entertainment

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